Vision, Values and Intent

Our Vision, Values and Intent
In late 2018, we worked with the whole school community to re-evaluate the school curriculum, aims and vision. After establishing ourselves as a Primary School, we believed the time was right to look inwards and take the time to look at what was the best way forward for us all at Mowbray.

We took time to look at what was core to our beliefs in education and listened to what the children liked best about the school. Overwhelmingly, the main feedback form the children was that they loved Forest School and Learning Outside the Classroom activities. From the children's feedback we examined our provision further and looked at what else we could do to support their development. Everyone's thoughts and ideas could best be summarised into nine key drivers:
  • Curiosity
  • Aspiration
  • Skills
  • Independence
  • Risk
  • Perseverance
  • Self Esteem
  • Self Awareness
  • Self Belief 
We developed these into four statements which would become the core values of the school.

  • To harness children's natural curiosity by offering a diverse range of new experiences
  • To raise children's aspirations while developing skills and independence
  • To develop resilience by encouraging risk and perseverance
  • To raise self-esteem, self-belief and self-awareness through nurture.

As 2019 began, we used these values to begin a whole school review of our curriculum and provision. We decided in order to ensure these values stay at our heart, we drive all of them through the curriculum in all year groups.

We use Learning Outside the Classroom as a key vehicle to help us to deliver these values and were awarded our Quality Mark by The Council for Learning Outside the Classroom in recognition of our high quality provision.

We are constantly looking to improve our provision further and keep coming back to ensure our curriculum and policies support our values and vision for education and keep the children at the centre of all of our plans.