Safeguarding children at Mowbray Primary School

Mowbray Primary School fully recognises the responsibility we have to have in place robust arrangements for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children.
All those who come into contact with children share that responsibility and have a duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.
If you have any concerns about any child, share these concerns with the school's Safeguarding Leads.
Safeguarding is everyone's business
For more information, please refer directly to the school safeguarding, Child Protection, E-Safety policies available in the Safeguarding and Behaviour Section of the website.
  • Mr Andrew Miller

    Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead

  • Mrs Sarah Beattie

    Deputy Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead

  • Miss Zoe Lisle

    Deputy Headteacher for Inclusion and SEND Lead, Designated Safeguarding Lead

  • Mrs Jane Baines

    Pastoral Manager and Designated Safeguarding Lead

  • Mrs Karen Waters

    Senior Leader and Designated Safeguarding Lead

  • Miss Helen Ewart

    Senior Leader (EYFS) and Designated Safeguarding Lead