Behaviour Principles

Behaviour Statement of Principles

The aim of Mowbray Primary School is for every member of the school community to feel valued and respected, and for all persons to be treated fairly. We are a caring community, whose values are built on mutual trust and respect. The school behaviour policy is therefore designed to support the way in which the members of the school can live and work together in a supportive way. It aims to promote an environment where all feel happy, safe and secure.


Mowbray Primary School has a number of “Golden Rules”. The primary aim of the behaviour policy, however, is not a system to enforce rules but rather to promote good relationships, so that people can work together with the common purpose of helping everyone to learn.


Mowbray Primary School does not tolerate bullying of any kind. If we discover that an act of bullying or intimidation has taken place, the incident is recorded and we act immediately to stop any further occurrences of such behaviour. We do everything in our power to ensure that all children attend school free from fear (See Anti-Bullying Policy for further information).


  • Every pupil understands they have the right to feel safe, valued and respected, and learn free from the disruption of others

  • All pupils, staff and visitors are free from any form of discrimination

  • Staff and volunteers set an excellent example to pupils at all times and act as role models

  • Rewards, sanctions and reasonable force are used consistently and fairly by staff, in line with the behaviour policy

  • Ensure that children are aware of the school rules and that each class has its own classroom code or contract.

  • The behaviour policy is understood by pupils and staff

  • Exclusions (fixed and permanent) will only be used as a last resort.

  • Pupils are helped to take responsibility for their actions

  • Families are involved in behaviour incidents to foster good relationships between the school and pupils’ home life

  • Teach, through the school curriculum, values and attitudes as well as knowledge and skills, in order to promote responsible behaviour, self-discipline and respect for self, others and the world around us.

The governing board also emphasises that violence or threatening behaviour will not be tolerated in any circumstances.


More information about behavior at Mowbray is available in our behavior policy which is in the Safeguarding and Behaviour section of the website.

This written statement of behaviour principles is reviewed and approved by the Governing Body every year.