After School Childcare Provision

Wrap Around Care – After School Childcare Provision
We have taken into account the responses to our surveys and have tried to tailor the provision accordingly. We appreciate that this may not meet everyone’s needs, although from the answers to the questionnaires we sent out we feel it meets the needs of the majority of the responses. We have also visited other schools and looked at their systems and procedures in order to help us create ours.

We offer childcare until 6pm, every night of the week. The demand for places is very high so booking places well in advance is essential. We cannot take on the day bookings.
How much does it cost?
There is a tiered booking system. You can book a place until 4.15pm for £2, 5pm for £5 or until 6pm for £8. As places are booked rather than the amount of time, charging is for the whole session, regardless of your collection time (e.g. a booking for the 5pm session is £5 for the whole session regardless of whether your child is collected earlier than 5pm). This is due to the fact that our staff are contracted for the whole session time.

What is included in the cost?
All children have access to drinks. Cereal and / or toast is available through the evening for all
children. We provide a quiet area and staff support for homework to be completed – if you would prefer your child not to do their homework at the club you will need to ensure that the staff running the club are aware of this.
There is a range of games / play equipment available and, in nicer weather, the children have access to the outdoor area. We aim to invest back into the after school provision as much as possible in order to develop it further. With this in mind, we aim in the longer term to have particular themed evenings with activities to support the children’s development.

How do I book a packed meal option?
Our survey indicated that more parents would like the option to book a packed meal option individually than to have it included within the price. A packed meal option will be available on both the 5pm and 6pm bookings. To book this as an option go to the Weduc app, ensure you select the “with meal” option. Packed meals will be provided for an additional cost of £1.50; meaning the 5pm session therefore costs £6.50 and the 6pm session costs £9.50.

What if I am late collecting my child?
Additional charges will apply if you are late in collecting your child. If you have booked your child into the 5pm session and collect them after 5pm, the full cost of the booking until 6pm will be charged. If you book your child in to the 6pm session and collect them after 6pm, then a charge of £5 per 15 minutes or part thereof will be charged. All late charges will be invoiced separately by school.

How do I reserve places?
Places are bookable and payable through the Weduc app. Due to the high volume of numbers,
we ask that you block book as far ahead as possible (ideally book your places for a whole half term at a time). If you wish, you can reserve your slot for the whole academic year. You are able to reserve individual days within a week or whole week blocks.  

Please note that, once booked, places are subject to one week’s written notice for cancellation.

Places cancelled at shorter than one week’s notice will still be charged at the full price.

How do I pay for my reserved place?
Payments for the bookings must all be made in advance and can be made online through the Weduc app.  The cut off is 2 days before at 6pm to be able to book via the Weduc app.

What if I book my place but do not use it?
If your child does not use their place because they are absent ill or on an Educational Visit, then credit will stay on your account. However, if a place is reserved and not used as your child is collected from school before going to the after school provision, the place will still be charged for as it will have been staffed.

What if my child has an after school club?
Your child will still be able to attend the club first. Once the club is concluded, they will be taken to the after school provision classrooms and will be signed in. As you are reserving a place at the after school provision, the session payment is still required.

What will happen to my child at 3:15pm?
At 3:15pm, your child will stay in their classroom if they have been booked into the after school provision. Supervising staff members will then collect the children from their classroom and sign them into the after school care. If your child is at an after school club first, then they will make their way to their club as usual and then will be taken to the after school care at the end of the club.

How will I collect my child?
The pedestrian gate from Stakeford Lane will be left open. You will access the yard area from this gate and go the Key Stage 2 entrance. The provision will be based in the classrooms adjacent to the Key Stage 2 door. A doorbell will be installed by the Key Stage 2 door for you to ring. Staff supervising the after school provision will let you in and from there you can then sign out your child. Normal collection arrangements will apply, therefore adults collecting your child must be on the approved collectors list and know the password if required.

All children must be collected by an adult over the age of 18 years old. No children can walk home alone from after school club.

What if I want to pick my child up before 5pm or 6pm?
You can collect your child at whatever time you would like to. However, full session bookings must be paid for regardless of earlier pick up times.


Up until 4.15pm (or part thereof)


Up until 5pm (or part thereof)         


£5 without meal

£6.50 including meal

Up until 6pm (or part thereof)


£8 without meal

£9.50 including meal